Tuesday, June 29, 2010

ASP.NET MVC 500.24 Error

This error occurs because Asp.Net cannot apply a detected setting in Integrated managed pipeline mode.

In the Web.config add this line of code in the [system.webserver] block.

[validation validateintegratedmodeconfiguration="false"]

This will ignore the error.


Also, in IIS web.config, in the system.web element, there is the identity impersonate=true element. Delete.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

DataTable Column Mapping for XML

This article will demonstrate how to determine or set a SYSTEM.DATA.DATATABLE.Column as different XML nodes.

// The user must include into their class:
using System.Data;

// ==========
// To determine if a column is an XML attribute after
// loading data

// --- after loading data into the dataset
// --- and finding the table needed
mytable.Columns[].ColumnMapping == MappingType.;

----> There are 4 types

Columns.MappingType Gets or Sets the mapping type for the column.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

MySQL Workbench Foreign Key Restraint

In MySQL Workbench, the user can alter tables. When altering tables, the user can add 'foreign keys' and 'indexes' to tables.

MySQL Workbench will not allow the user to add foreign keys in certain situations, and will not give adequate error messages so the user can fix them.

Some important things to remember when altering a table to add foreign keys in MySQL Workbench.

Both columns must be EXACTLY the same type. If one column is unsigned INT(10), the other must be unsigned INT(10).

Since, MySQL Workbench will make an index of a foreign key, the foreign key MUST BE AN INDEX of the referenced table, otherwise the script will not be successful.

Thursday, June 17, 2010


This is a site to test Fonts side-by-side.

Really helpful.

This shows what types look like on different machines.

Best MySQL practices.

These are someone's best MySQL practices.

They sound good.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

VB 6 Localization

So, a project came up to where I have to localize a VB6 application in another language.

I needed the resource file tutorial, but it has others. It worked for me.